The unbelievable universe of dynamic modelling has a new jewel within Hitec robotics...
ROBONOVA-I is the new anthropomorphic robot which can be put together and programmed by anyone who has an elementary manual capability.
For whoever wants to know more, all we can say is that Robonova-I moves thanks to 16 digital commands alimented by 5 NiMH batteries.
Thanks to a cable it is possible to connect Robonova to your PC to program its movements using the ad hoc program language called RoboBasic.
For the beginners, there’s a special mode called “move and Catch” which enables you to move MANUALLY Robonova in “key” positions, setting the parameters with a simple pressure on the mouse.
During a show in the Novegro (Milan) fair, we shot some images which we show you in an AMBITION video: we put the robots over the base of the song “my Love”, by Justin Timberlake.
Robonova is Sooooooo
Robonova-I Official Website >>>